Monday, 25 May 2015

Episode 49: Harry Enjoys Games

podcast is back and regular again apparently, gaming is alive again, Harry, Hugo and James talk about Life is Strange Episode 3 SPOILERWARNING. followed by a heated discussion on Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. we also quickly gloss over some of the news, sneak in a quick top 3 game protagonists, this episode also contains harry singing some Bob Dylan, and a behind the scenes bonus content that is so boring you should probably skip...

Episode 48: Best Mods

This episode starts with an introduction to Alvin a new guest on the podcast. followed by a lengthy talk about the games we have been playing including Dirt: Rally, Civilization V, Dota 2 6.84, Counter-Strike Global Offensive, Mario Kart 8 200CC and some other games. we end the podcast with a discussion on our top 3 favorite game mods.

Episode 47: Valve Does Bad

We discuss the latest news in gaming, mainly focused on the fiasco related to steam workshop paid mods, as well as complaining about the general direction Valve has been heading. also we discuss a little star wars battlefront 3 news, dota 2 international 2015 and dues ex.